This week on Monday we learned about who was most likely to get married. This is what we discussed:
∙Most likely to marry:
-People who came from a family where they saw success in marriage
-Religious People
-Educated People (however, non-educated people are more likely to marry younger than those who are educated.
∙Males are more likely to marry when they feel financially stable.
We also talked about questions to discuss before you get married. These are just a few that came up but really got me thinking:
∙Will the wife change her name?
∙What will the division of labor be?
∙Will you have children? If so, how many and when?
∙If you have children, how will you divide up the child care responsibilities?
∙What kind of discipline will you use?
∙What will you do about housing? Will housing decisions be made in light of the husband’s career, the wife’s career, both or neither?
∙Who will be the primary “breadwinner”?
∙How will you observe holidays?
∙How will you address frustrations or concerns with your spouse?
∙Whose opinion will prevail if there is a difference in opinion?
For our mid-term this week we were required to read an article about voting for gay marriage rights. It's interesting because every time I think I have my mind finally made up about my opinion, I read an article that proves other great points to consider. Here is the link to the article. It is pretty short and very interesting.
Please make sure you consider all opinions and questions before deciding what is morally correct for your family and society.
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